VEX IQ Robotics 2024 Winter Camp (AST)


Payment can only be made by ATM/WebATM transfer. You will be given a bank account number after placing the order. Please pay within 3 days, otherwise the order will be cancel.

Please be sure to use the “Pay” function to pay the registration fee!

Please scroll down for the levels, course times and other content.

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Class (A):12/25(MON)~12/29(FRI),09:00-16:00

Fees:$14000 / 5d,Launch included,Min. 3 persons, Max. 6 persons per class.

*VEX Go Camp need to bring own tablet, VEX IQ Camp need own laptop.

*Two people register discount will returen you at first class day.



Class (A):12/25(MON)~12/29(FRI)